What does YAPCG stand for?

What softwares does YAPCG work with?

I would like to use YAPCG on the iPad or Android tablet. Do you support tablets?

How can I find out more about YAPCG?

How can I help?

What do the different colored boxes mean?

What do the asterisks mean

How do I select the Monk class? I see all the other classes in the dropdown box, but there is no way to select a monk.

I can't find the feat/trait/archetype I am looking for!

What does YAPCG stand for?
YAPCG simply stands for "Yet Another Pathfinder Character Generator".

What software does YAPCG work with?
YAPCG is developed on Excel 2011 for Mac. It is also tested on Excel 2010 for Windows and should be 100% compatible with Excel 2007 for Windows

Didn't you used to support LibraOffice/Open Office?

Yes. Unfortunately, due to severe limitations of both the import/export abilities of Excel and LibraOffice, and the lack of volunteers to help maintain the different versions, support for OpenOffice/Libra Office has been discontinued.

I would like to use YAPCG on the iPad or Android tablet. Do you support tablets?
At this time, YAPCG can not function directly on tablets. While many tablets are severely underpowered (from a computational and memory standpoint) to run YAPCG, the major reason that we can not support tablets at this time is that none of the current tablet based spreadsheet programs support drop down boxes or dynamic drop down lists. Most also do not support checkboxes or other data entry options.

In the future, I am always willing to explore adding a tablet on as a supported device if some of these limitations are removed. If anyone has experience programming on tablets and wants to work on a cooperative project to export calculated characters to software written specifically for the tablet, I would be delighted to make that happen.

As a temporary solution, if you will be using YAPCG near a good internet connection you can consider some desktop mirroring solutions or Excel virtualization solutions (www.onlive.com or www.oncloud.com are examples). These applications let you run Excel on either your home desktop computer or a virtualized Windows machine and see the results on your tablet.

How can I find out more about YAPCG?
The best way is to join the mailing list at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/YAPCG/. This will give you information on new releases and provides a forum for us to answer any questions you have about YAPCG.

How can I help?
You can help by:

What do the different colored boxes mean?
Green boxes are for standard user input.
Orange boxes allow you to add bonuses that always stack with any other bonus.
Options that you do not have access to are faded out. They will light up when you gain access to them.

What do the asterisks mean
An asterisk (*) in the description for a feat, trait, class abiility etc means the bonus or penalty is included in the calculations.

How do I select the Monk class? I see all the other classes in the dropdown box, but there is no way to select a monk.
If you are following the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, you must be a lawfully aligned character in order to be a monk. YAPCG defaults to a neutral character when you start a new character. Because the characters alignment is not lawful, YAPCG removes monk as a legal option when you create a new character.

In order to create a monk, simply select a lawful alignment (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Lawful Evil) on the "Character Creation" tab. Then make sure that YAPCG has enough time to recalculate fully (this can take several seconds on older machines) and you will then be able to select monk as a character class.

If your GM is allowing you to play a monk that is not lawful, you can still use YAPCG. Simply remove the checkbox from the "Enforce Class/Alignment Rules" from the Options Tab (You can find this option under "House Rules"). This will tell YAPCG to not filter out classes based on alignment requirements.

Note: This also applies to Barbarian, Antipaladin and a few other classes/prestige classes.

I can't find the feat/trait/archetype I am looking for!

There are a number of possibilities.